• Disable copy button on blogger post

    How to Disable Right Click on Blogger to Stop Copy Paste

    Blogging is one of the best and ethical way to make huge money from online. Before starting blogging journey you should know that, blogging is not an easy task. Some of blogger specially the newbie start copy paste content from other blogs and publish it on their blog.
    They do not aware of duplicate content. Google always against of duplicate contents. It is impossible to gets traffics from search engines with a content that is from plagiarism.
    However, you cannot stop copy paste for ever. Because of, some of the people coping content by typing. So how can you stop that. Though it is not possible to completely prevent plagiarism, but you can take an action against it that is disabled right click on your blogger blog. So today I will be going to share with you how to do it on your blog. So let's start :

    Disabling Right Click in Blogger 

    You can able to protect your content, images by disabling right click on your blog. Because of people usually use right button to copy your content and paste it on their blog. To save your text, images just take action against duplication. There is a complete guide just follow bellow process 
    • Log in and open your blogger dashboard
    • Click and go on dashboard>> Layout>>
    • After clicking on layout option, then click on "add a Gadget" link. 
      add a gadget
    • Once you click on link a popup window will open. Now select "HTML / JavaScript" 
      select html javascript
    • Now copy the below code
     <!- START disable copy paste --><script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script><!-- End disable copy paste -->
    •  Now Paste this above code on the "HTML / JavaScript" Box. 
      paste code here
    • Click on save button.You're done !! Now visit your blog and see.
    The above post was how to stop copy paste by disable right click on blogger. So if you're suffer for it then hopefully this post will help you most. People can not stop their copy writing they still coping by re write your content. Then you can complaint to DMCA with proper proofs. Happy blogging!!
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